
Smoke alarm changes for rental properties

From 1 January 2022: Smoke alarms in all dwellings must: be photoelectric (AS 3786-2014); and not also contain an ionisation sensor; and be less than 10 years old; and operate when tested; and be interconnected so all other smoke alarms in the dwelling activate together; and be either hardwired or powered by a non-removable 10-year battery; and be installed on each story: in each...


How to negotiate the purchase price when buying a house

Part art, part science, negotiation is a tricky business.  Come in too low and you’re left out of the conversation; too high, and you find yourself caged in, with no way to escape. So, how do you work out an offer that’s just right? Here’s our guide to negotiating a purchase price.   1. Look at recent comparable sales The first step towards a successful negotia...


What home owners should consider when planning to relocate

You’ve reached that point where your property needs have changed. Maybe you want more space, different features or a whole new lifestyle. Relocating could be the answer. But how will this impact you financially? And what do you need to consider when relocating within the same area, as opposed to moving further afield?  Moving close to home Selling one property to buy another creat...


What to consider before downsizing to an apartment

The children have moved out to start families of their own, the garden is growing wild and costing a fortune to maintain, and you’re spending more time cleaning the pool than swimming in it. A new home better suited to a more relaxed lifestyle could be the answer. “The reason most people downsize is they find their house too big in terms of upkeep,” says Melb...


21 Simple Ways to Update Your Home

There’s something about the flip of a calendar page that makes us want to reinvent ourselves – and our homes. And having spent more time indoors this past year, fittingly we’ve turned our attention inwards – to transform where we live.  We asked the experts – interior designers, stylists, architects, real estate agents and more – how to make easy home u...


7 Steps to Declutter Your Home

For many Australians 2020 has been a year to forget. As we get ready to embrace (a hopefully much better) 2021, now is the perfect time to clear the slate by decluttering and organising the home.  Getting organised has a huge number of benefits. Not only does it make life a little easier, but studies show that looking at an organised, clean space brings a sense of calm and clarity.  ...


4 Things Not To Do When Selling Your Home

Selling a home is a tricky business. And it’s also something of a national pastime, which means that everyone has an opinion on it. But no matter how strongly your family or friends believe in a certain way of doing things, you shouldn’t take their advice at the expense of your agent’s. With that in mind, here are four things not to do when selling your home. 1. Don’t...


Open Home Styling Tips

If you’re selling then investing in proper styling is an absolute must for your upcoming open home.  Good styling can often mean the difference between a good price and a great price but where do you start and what are some of the biggest styling faux pas? Listen to your agent You’ve shopped around and found the best agent for the job but disregarding their advice is a sure ...


How to prepare your house for an open inspection

Inspections are like a first date. You only get one chance to make that first impression. Set your property up for inspection success with these simple tips. 1. Clean up Yes, it’s Captain Obvious, but you’d be surprised. Make sure your whole property is neat and tidy when buyers arrive, including the garden and outside areas. Dust, vacuum, scrub, wash, buff – make all thos...